Before a full film trailer is released, often a teaser trailer will be released a few months before. It doesn't show a lot about the film and doesn't last very long, but its main purpose is to create an excitement for the film even before a main trailer is released. An example of this would be the teaser trailer for the movie Rogue One. This teaser trailer lasted for just 31 seconds and only included one line of dialogue. However it showed many short shots in the film, but gave nothing away about the overall plot. How ever, the teaser trailer for David Brent Life On The Road lasted a minute and a half but was pretty much a single scene. It involved a lot of dialogue and involved more then just one character. Also, both of these trailer included superimposition, but as it was a teaser trailer it didn't give too much away, for example they said 'coming soon' instead of the actual date of release.
I plan to make a teaser trailer for my film before I make my final trailer. After looking at a few examples, I know that it should last under a minute and a half, but should be long enough to give the audience a glimpse into what the film is going to be about. It should also I blue dialogue and could either be a short scene or should have multiple short shorts of different scenes. I also need to include a 'coming soon' text at the end. I will involve these aspects in my own work.
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